Once again, it seems another year has flown by. And once again, we can't help but reflect over the year's trials and triumphs. 'Tis the season, after all, for reflection and gratitude, and we've got a lot to be grateful for. 2024 took Diana to 8 countries spread across 2 continents, delivering keynotes and workshops, attending conferences, and collaborating with colleagues. She joined livestreams and meetups from many of these countries, as well as from the comfort of her own home office, where she also recorded numerous podcasts and webinars.

The past year has also brought opportunities to join forces with several affiliates, opening up possibilities to collaborate with other amazing thought leaders at organizations such as FaST (Fluid Adaptive Scaling Technology), Impactful Organizations, and The Agile Network. We even helped to host and co-facilitate the first FaST workshop in Portland, Oregon this past March!

But what's looking behind without looking ahead?! Diana's already lined up several springtime trips to Europe for conferences and collaborations (if you would like to get on her agenda while she's there, just drop us a line). We're also organizing our next Agile Fluency® Game Facilitators' Workshop for April here in Portland, Oregon

But before all that, we'll be taking a short break later this month to celebrate our chosen holidays. Whatever holidays you're choosing to celebrate, you're in our thoughts. We deeply appreciate you and your support! We hope your season is filled with comfort, joy, and all sorts of holiday magic!